Poland - 1936-1945 |
I’m really hampered here by my lack of Polish, and I do apologise for any gross errors. My keyboard also lacks some characters necessary to type Polish correctly
The standard base tone for Polish vehicles seems to have been a medium olive green (olivkowo-zielomym). Artists impressions vary – Steve Zaloga’s work has tended to the green – say Humbrol 86 or even grassier – whereas some Polish work has tended to the drab – say 155. I have no way of resolving this. Tonally this appears closer to the light tone in a three tone scheme than the dark when viewed in black and white photographs. Marek Jaszczolt has suggested FS34127-098 for this. On top of this two colours were sprayed in horizontal patches from 1936-39. These colours have been described as sand-grey and a very dark red brown. The Polish seems to be “szaro-piaskowym” or “plamy” and “ciemno-brazowym” or “czeckoladowym”. Again, interpretations vary, but seem to average around 94+64 for the sand and a very potent dark brown – 170+touch 160 perhaps or Revell 64. From the sand appears as dark as some of the darker ranges for British Light Stone 61, and the brown as dark as Panzer Grey. There does seem to be some difference in tone between the sand used in 1936 and that used in earlier schemes. Suggested FS matches are 33303-448 and 30032 to 59 respectively. References: Zaloga Blitzkrieg… op.cit. Magnuski, J and Zaloga S Polish camouflage and markings Military Modelling Dec. 1981 p.960-963 Magnuski, Janusz Samochody pancerne wolska polskiego 1918-1939 Warsaw: WiS, 1993. Jonca, A et.al Wrzesien 1939Pojazdy Wojska Polskiego… Warsaw: WKL, 1990 On the web - http://republika.pl/derela/armcarpl.htm
ã Mike Cooper, 2004