
Entrance Hall on to After Dunkirk  back to Inter-War


Tank Museum




Scammell 20-ton tank transporter - Matador Models Scammell 20-ton tank transporter, KCB-04

Two views of the Scammell Pioneer, KCB-55, by Neil Craig (who has added his own wheels)

Light Mk II AA - Matador Models  Light Tank Mk II AA



Magirus M206 and AH 470 Radio Trailer - Matador Models
Magirus M206 and AH 470 Radio Trailer



Bedford WT with Luton Body - Matador Models

The Bedford WT with Luton Body - 76CS-08 - was used by the forces early in the War: there is a photograph of one abandoned at Dunkirk.

The same chassis was also used with the same ambulance body as the Austin K6.  This is a conversion using Airfix parts

Bedford Ambulance  - a conversion of the Matador Models kit



Simca 5 vans  - Matador Models

Simca 5  vans  and cars in civilian and military use



Polski Fiat GS  - Matador Models  Polski Fiat GS, 76P-04 


 Polski Fiat Ambulance  - Matador Models   Polski Fiat Ambulance,76P-03